SLCP vs Higg FSLM: How are they different?

As a business, it’s important to be able to prove your supply chain follows the best possible labour practises. It’s also important to make sure you don’t get audit fatigue by doing a new audit for every new partner.

Luckily, two frameworks exist that help companies prove their commitment to good labour practices while still reducing audits. These are the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) and the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM).

SLCP helps factories and brands reduce their audits with the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF), while Higg FSLM uses a similiar system but adds scoring and performance tracking.

In this article we’ll explains the key differences of SLCP vs Higg FSLM, so you can decide which one is right for your business. 

What is SLCP?

SLCP was set up as a way of reducing audit fatigue across the industry. By having a single standardized assessment framework, SLCP reduced the need for companies to complete dozens of audits for different partners. This made it easier for the industry to Instead of having its own platform, SLCP works with approved third-party platforms (Accredited Hosts) where factories complete their assessments. All verified assessments are stored in the SLCP Gateway, a central system that allows businesses to share their results easily. 

To read more about SLCP and how it can work for your supply chain, check out our full guide. 

What is Higg FSLM?

The Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) was created by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to help companies assess and improve social and labor conditions in their supply chains. It uses the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) from the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP), so evaluations are standardized. But unlike SLCP, Higg FSLM includes a scoring system that allows facilities to track their performance and set improvement goals. 

To read more about Higg FEM verifications check out our full guide here 

How are SLCP and Higg FSLM different?

You may be wondering are SLCP and FSLM the same, but there are some key differences between the two programs. 

SLCP offers a single Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) that businesses can use and share. But SLCP doesn’t have a platform—facilities need to use an Accredited Host to complete and verify assessments.

Additionally, SLCP doesn’t provide scores for assessments, so companies can interpret it according to their own rules. Business can easily share verified assessment data across platforms or directly with clients, which is one of its biggest benefits.

As for Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (Higg FSLM), it’s a platform-based system that is built on SLCP’s Converged Assessment Framework. But, one of the major differences between SLCP and FSLM is that the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module adds scoring to help businesses track their performance. Unlike SLCP, Higg FSLM provides both self-assessments and verified assessments, although only verified assessments can be shared via SLCP’s Gateway.

Thanks to its integration with SLCP, Higg FSLM also allows businesses to share and transfer assessments between systems, cutting down on duplicate audits. Additionally, businesses who need to meet Higg FSLM membership requirements can use verified SLCP assessments to make sure their supply chain data is on point.

Need help with SLCP or Higg FEM verification?

HQTS is an approved verifier for both of these programs and can help you decide which is right for you. 

As an approved verifier body, HQTS can guide you through the initial assessments of the SLCP and Higg FEM, making sure that your info is entered correctly and completely, saving you time and stress. Once that’s done, we can help you pass the verification process by conducting both on-site and off-site checks. We can then help you share your key information with your partners through the SLCP Gateway.

We have a dedicated expert team ready to help you get your assessment done right and on time, saving you money and stress. Get in touch with our experts for more info.

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