Quality Assurance vs Compliance: What’s the Difference?

Comparing quality assurance and quality compliance can be confusing. But a good starting point to defining and differentiating between the two would be to first understand what ‘quality’ is.


What is Quality?

In basic terms, quality is defined as: “the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.” So, how good a product or service is compared to other similar options on the market. After all, you can’t say your product is quality if you have nothing to compare it to or haven’t tested it to prove what you’re claiming is true. Consumers would simply be taking your word for it, which doesn’t hold much weight in their eyes.

However, there is an argument to say that if your product is fit for use and purpose and does its job then it is quality too. But quality also relates to design, reliability, durability, and a whole host of things that contribute to a product’s overall value and quality rating. For instance, if you had a pair of running shoes that looked great, felt really comfortable and helped you win a race but fell apart after one event, could they be considered as being quality? It all depends what the expectations are in the eyes of the consumer and what the market standards are, which is where quality assurance and quality compliance come in.

At this point, it’s useful to note that quality assurance isn’t required by law and is related to the standard of products being produced, whereas quality compliance is the act of meeting set regulatory requirements. So one is at the discretion of the manufacturer and the other is imposed on them.

What is Quality Assurance?

Quality assurance (QA) is defined as “the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.” What that means is the process of ensuring a firm’s quality standards are being met. This involves the production process being monitored to make sure everything is carried out how it should be to ensure the highest quality of product. There might be tests, assessments and observations made to improve the quality through that process meaning a better standard is being strived for.

Ensuring Quality Assurance

We know what the quality part is, and the assurance part is simply the guaranteed that it will be honored. A vote of confidence and positive declaration made by a company that its product will live up to requirements and expectations. A customer can be assured that there won’t be any problems with what they are buying into, whether that be a tried and tested product, or a service.

So QA is the activity that goes on to ensure all of the above happens. It improves the processes to deliver the quality that’s being promised.

What is Quality Compliance?

The definition of compliance is “the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.” In other words, if an authoritative body sets some rules to abide by, companies and manufacturers need to stick to them when creating and bringing a product to market. It has to be made according to an order, set of rules or request.

Ensuring Quality Compliance

There are a number of ways companies meet compliance requirements. Firstly, they need to understand what is expected and the rules that have been set, next they need to abide by them by observing and reporting on performance. If they aren’t complying with the standards, something needs to be done to rectify that and resolve the issues.

In short, compliance ensures a manufacturer or supplier of a product meets the requirements of accepted practices, legislation, prescribed rules and regulations, specified standards, or the terms of a contract.


Why Do You Need to Consider Both for Your Product?

Both quality assurance and compliance are important for products and businesses because they ultimately improve them in many ways. Their products or services continue to get better, customers therefore use them more and see them as reliable, there is less waste in materials due to improved efficiency in production, and therefore money and time is saved.

If a company strives for better quality and provides assurance to the customer, the product and service will continue to improve. If a company complies with certain industry rules and standards that have been set, then they not only abide by law but their product and service meets the requirements of their industry which is honorable and decent. It’s like abiding by the laws of a country if you are a citizen there. It kind of goes without saying that you would act responsibly.

There are, of course, many different things to consider when thinking about quality assurance and compliance. That’s why a third-party quality partner makes sense to offer information, assistance and options for your business. It makes sense to make sure you are doing everything you can to provide the best to your end consumer and that you meet regulations and standards set by your industry.

About HQTS

With over 25 years of experience in quality assurance, HQTS is ready to help your business build meaningful and robust supplier relationships across Asia and beyond. Our many service locations are prepared to be your one-stop-shop for your inspection needs, including factory audits, production monitoring, pre-inspection service and sorting inspections, and everything in between. This will allow you to know exactly what’s happening on the ground and keep close tabs on your suppliers. Contact us today to find out how we can help you navigate current quality control challenges.

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