HQTS Quality Control

Quality Control Consulting

Quality Control Consulting Services

HQTS provides services for quality control management, training and production control.

Companies doing business in Asia encounter many unexpected challenges due to the unfamiliar legal, business, and cultural landscape. These challenges can be mitigated by partnering with a company who knows the environment, and can effectively bridge the gap between eastern and western mindsets.

HQTS has been doing business in China for 26 years in the quality management space. Leveraging our intimate knowledge of the QA industry in China as a Chinese company with western staff, we can help you navigate this uncertain terrain.

Whether you are new to Asia, or have been doing business here for many years, our professional consulting services can help you resolve and/or avoid issues in the supply chain process including management, systems and quality assurance.

HQTS training programs are world class. We can tailor a solution to best fit your needs in refining and enhancing the quality control management skills of your staff throughout Asia.

Some of our solutions include:

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