Toy Safety Compliance Services

Ensuring toy safety is vital for safeguarding the physical and emotional well-being of children. Manufacturers, traders, and regulators bear this responsibility by adhering to a series of regulations established by various governments and organizations. Countries across the globe have enforced certain legislations to restrict market access for products that don’t meet safety standards.

Our Toy Compliance services include:

  • Consultation and training on product legislation
  • Product compliance risk assessment
  • Audit and management of technical documents
  • Market surveillance risk assessment and solutions
  • Product Testing (CPSIA and EN71)


Our expertise covers the next regions:


Toy Safety in Europe: Explaining THE European Union Toy Safety Directive (TSD) 2009/48/EC

The EU Toy Safety directive, published in 2009, is a regulation that sets out the safety requirements for toys sold within the European Union (EU) and aims to reduce the risks associated with the use of toys and children products.

Product Scope

The directive define toys as ““Products designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children under 14 years of age”

There are some exceptions to this rule

• Playground equipment intended for public use
• Automatic playing machines, whether coin operated or not, intended for public use
• Toy vehicles equipped with combustion engines
• Toy steam engines
• Slings and catapults

What aspects are covered in the TSD Directive?

The TSD covers a wide range of risks related to the safety of toys including:

• Physical
• Mechanical
• Flammability
• Chemical
• Electrical
• Hygiene
• Radioactivity

Main Standards related to toy safety in Europe

Under the European Union Toy Safety Directive (TSD) several key standards are referenced and applied to ensure compliance with safety requirements. Some of the main standards associated with the TSD include:

EN 71 Series: The EN 71 series of standards consists of multiple parts that cover different aspects of toy safety. These include mechanical and physical properties, flammability, chemical composition and migration, and other safety considerations.

• EN 62115: This standard focuses on the safety of electric toys, including requirements for electrical properties, insulation, and protection against electric shock.


Toy Safety in USA: Explaining the USA Safety Standards (CPSC and ASTM F963)

The safety of toys is a top priority in the United States, where stringent regulations and standards are in place to protect children from potential hazards.

Product Scope:

The product scope of toy safety in the USA encompasses a wide range of toys designed for children of various ages. This includes but is not limited to dolls, action figures, puzzles, board games, stuffed animals, electronic toys, ride-on toys, and building blocks. The regulations apply to toys intended for sale, import, or distribution within the United States.

Aspects Covered:

Multiple aspects are considered to ensure the safety of toys in the USA:

  • Mechanical and Physical Safety: Toys must be designed and constructed to avoid potential hazards such as sharp edges, small parts that can pose choking hazards, and mechanisms that can cause pinching or entrapment.
  • Flammability: Toys must meet specific requirements to reduce the risk of fire and limit the spread of flames, ensuring the safety of children during playtime.
  • Chemical Safety: Regulations exist to limit the presence of hazardous substances in toys, including lead, phthalates, heavy metals, and other toxic substances that can pose health risks.
  • Electrical Safety: Toys incorporating electrical components or functions must meet stringent safety standards to prevent electric shock, overheating, or other electrical hazards.
  • Small Parts Safety: Toys intended for children under three years of age must undergo testing to ensure that they do not contain small parts that can cause choking.

Main Standards related to toy safety in USA:

Several key standards play a vital role in ensuring the safety of toys in the US market:

ASTM F963: Developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM F963 is the main toy safety standard in the United States. It covers various safety aspects, including mechanical, physical, flammability, and chemical properties of toys. This standard also addresses labeling, warnings, and age appropriateness.

CPSC Regulations: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) establishes and enforces regulations related to toy safety. These regulations cover a wide range of aspects, including lead content limits, phthalate restrictions, magnet hazards, and requirements for tracking labels.


Toy Safety in Australia: Explaining the AS/NZS ISO 8124

Product safety is of utmost importance when it comes to toys in Australia. This article provides an overview of the product scope, aspects covered, and main standards that ensure the safety of toys in the Australian market, emphasizing the commitment to safeguarding children during playtime.

Aspects Covered:

Several critical aspects are considered to ensure the safety of toys in Australia:

  • Part 1: Physical Safety: Toys must be designed and manufactured to eliminate potential physical hazards, such as sharp edges, points, or small parts that can cause choking or injury to children.
  • Part 2: Flammability: Standards exist to minimize the risk of toys catching fire or emitting hazardous fumes in the event of exposure to flames.
  • Part 3: Migration of certain elements

Main Standards related to toy safety in Australia:

AS/NZS ISO 8124: This is the primary toy safety standard in Australia, which covers various aspects including mechanical and physical properties, flammability, chemical composition, and migration limits.

Our expertise

HQTS is dedicated to offering complimentary information on consumer product regulations. With a global network of laboratories, we provide a wide range of services, including physical and mechanical testing, analytical testing, and consultancy for technical and non-technical parameters across various consumer products. Trust us because we test. For more information, contact us today.

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