US CPSC Adopts Marking Requirements of Toy and Imitation Firearms

HQTS Toys Marking

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced on May 11 2023 that they will adopt the Department of Commerce rule 15 CFR 272. The new rule will set marking requirements of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms.

As a part of the Federal Energy Management Improvement Act Update, the responsibility for regulating the markings of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms has been transferred from the Department of Commerce to the CPSC.

This regulatory update is scheduled to take effect on June 26, 2023, unless the new rule is subject to any significant adverse comments received by the CPSC before June 12, 2023.

To gain an understanding of the markings approved by the Secretary of Commerce and exemptions, click here.

Should you have any questions or require further information about this regulatory change, we invite you to contact us today at

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