HQTS Consolidated Updates for February, 2020

Regulatory Updates:

REACH-SVHC Officially Updated to 205

The ECHA has added 4 new substances to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The authorization now contains 205 substances. The new substances to the Candidate List are defined as possessing probable serious effects to human health and the environment.

Click here to read the full article.


New York State Governor Signs Bill Regulating Lead Content in Children’s Jewelry

The governor of New York signed Proposition A6041 (S4046) into state law, regulating the lead content in children’s jewelry. The law will take effect January 1, 2021 and mainly includes the following:

  • A definition for what constitutes “jewelry”
  • A required warning statement on children’s jewelry or on a label on the immediate container of children’s jewelry if the lead content exceeds 40 ppm, but is less than 600 ppm or a lower Federal lead standard.


Click here to read the full article.


OEKO-TEX® Presents New Regulations For 2020

OEKO-TEX® updated its existing guidelines as well as its valid testing criteria. Following a transition period, all new regulations will come into effect on April 1, 2020. The most important changes include:

  • MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® now includes leather products
  • New additions to the limit of value catalogues
  • New substances under observation
  • Integration of DETOX TO ZERO in STeP by OEKO-TEX®


Click here to read the full article.

Product Recalls in Feb. 2020

EU: The EU recalled 166 products in February. The top three categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children’s Equipment and Toys (90), Electrical Appliances and Equipment (14), and Clothing, Textiles and Fashion Items (11). Most of these products come from China (122). The main risks are hazardous chemicals, choking, injuries, etc.

Source: The European Union Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products (RAPEX)


The USA recalled 19 products in February. The categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children’s Equipment and Toys (4) and Furniture (4). Most of the products come from China (9) and US (5). The main risks include fire, falling, choking, etc.

Source: The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)


Canada recalled 12 products in February. The categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles, Children’s Products and Toys (3) and Machinery (3). Most of these products come from China (4) and the USA (4). The main risks are chemicals, choking, fire, burns, etc.

Source: The Government of Canada Healthy Canadians


Australia recalled 23 products in February. The categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles, Children’s Products and Toys (9). The main risks are choking, strangulation, fire, etc.

Source: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

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