HQTS Quality Control

How to Avoid Product Recalls in Your Supply Chain

A supply chain is a system or network between a company and its suppliers dedicated to bringing a product to a consumer or market. A product recall is when that product has a risk of not being fit for use within that market or harming the consumer.

They say the customer is always right, but before you get to that point, you (or your products, rather) need to be right to make sure the customer is happy. There’s not much worse than having a product that’s got something wrong with it so it’s your job and responsibility as a business or brand to deliver the best you can.

With the increasingly complex supply chain process, product recalls and returns have become a major issue. Manufacturers, brands and retailers need to be confident that the products they provide meet consumer expectations, global regulations and safety and quality standards.

With that said, it’s important to understand what a product recall entails, why they occur and what you can do to make sure they don’t become a disruption and expense to your supply chain.

What is a product recall?

You might be asking yourself what a product recall is if you’ve never experienced one. The act of recalling something is to officially order it to return to its place. When that concerns a product is it means a manufacturer is requesting it to be recalled because of a problem. Safety issues or defects can cause big issues for consumers and the market in general. The recall is an effort to limit brand reputation damage and liability for corporate negligence, which can cause significant legal costs.

What is means when a product gets recalled

A product recall is defined as a request to return, exchange, or replace a product. They have everyone’s best interests at heart but are best avoided. They happen when a manufacturer or consumer watch group discovers defects that could hinder performance, harm consumers or produce legal issues for the producers.

What happens can differ with each recall case and product. It’s the process of retrieving the faulty or unsafe goods. They can happen at various points of the supply chain process and cause an item to be banned from being sold. They can also happen after the point of sale and request consumers to voluntarily return their product.

What is the supply chain of a product?

The supply chain of a product is the methods a company thinks up and actions to bring their products to market in the most efficient way.

They involve the different parties, companies, jobs and activities and resources it takes to complete that process. It starts with the initial design, materials and parts and the following steps needed to form the final product and what it takes to get it to the final buyer.

The purpose of a planned and well-oiled supply chain is to reduce costs and be as efficient as possible to remain competitive and ahead or on par with others in the market.

The effect of product recalls on supply chains

When supply chain product recalls happen, they can cause significant disruption to businesses. Quality expectations and the range of safety requirements that you must achieve become increasingly complex day by day. When your product fails to meet quality expectations within the marketplace, the result can be loss of good will, product and revenues, customers, delayed shipments, wasted materials and the potential risk of a product recalls.

How to avoid product recalls in your supply chain

Dealing with a product recall can be highly disruptive to supply chains. Problems that aren’t planned for nor expected can throw a great deal out of sync adding time, money and

A third-party quality assurance services company brought in at an early stage can go a long way in ensuring your supply chain is as efficient as possible. The right checks and testing will mean your products are in the best shape to launch to market meaning happy customers and the high quality products they expect.

About HQTS

HQTS has the right systems, processes and procedures to help you meet your requirements and deliver quality products in a timely manner. Our quality control services are delivered through our professional and technical staff located in major production hubs throughout Asia. We work hard to identify quality concerns prior to distribution to mitigate delays, unexpected costs and risk to your consumers and brand. Avoid product recalls by getting in touch to hear about how we can help you minimize the risk and hassle of having your products recalled.

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