The U.S. CPSC Approved Two Final Rules for Custom Window Coverings

Window Coverings

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recently released two final rules in the Federal Register to reinforce higher standards for corded window coverings across America, safeguarding children aged eight and under from the potential risk of strangulation by operating cords used in custom window coverings.

The custom window coverings include blinds, curtains, drapery, shades, and other cord-operated products intended for consumers.

The first rule under the 16 CFR 1120 was designed to correspond with current voluntary standards developed for ANSI/WCMA A100.1 – 2018 for window coverings, and it will go into action 30 days after its release in the Federal Register on December 28th of this year.

The second rule under 16 CFR 1260 stipulates new requirements for operating cords on custom window coverings and will become effective on May 30th of, 2023, 180 days after its publication in the Federal Register.

Note that non-compliant window covering cords will be added to CPSC’s substantial product hazard list.

Click here to read the safety standard for operating cords on custom window coverings.

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